
the user has only 10 posts

Is Pentesting a Priority for Your Network?

Most data-driven modern enterprises have gone to great technical and monetary lengths to create a semblance of security for the physical and logical systems and assets. Short of disconnecting the WAN Internet connection and building an impenetrable fortress around every corporate system, there will likely always be vulnerabilities and exploits those malicious actors can and

Security of Statistical Databases

Maintaining the security and integrity of a statistical database requires specific security controls and techniques that need to be implemented by database administrators. A specific security issue involves an authorized user who attempts to gain private (unauthorized) information through one or a series of statistical queries by utilizing inference techniques in a purely statistical database. 

Could your business withstand a prolonged supply chain disruption?

Building resiliency in the supply chain plays a crucial role in the overall business strategy to minimize potential disruptions with production and delivery in a manufacturing environment. Disruptions can occur from many sources and can be classified into categories, including “natural events, external—man-made events, and internal—man-made events, and can be of varying severity based on

The benefits of the three-tiered system of prioritizing recovery efforts

A challenge for business leaders, responsible for continuity and disaster recovery is the prioritization of restoration of business processes following a disaster or negatively impacting event. When asked what business processes need to be restored the correct answer is “all of them”, but when faced with time, resource, and financial constraints there must be a

Managed Wifi Solutions

What is more frustrating: your Wi-Fi signal is not strong enough to cover every area of your home, business, or property OR your Wi-Fi constantly disconnects and you find yourself unplugging and rebooting your router? We can solve both of these issues with a managed Wi-Fi solution from InstaVision Technologies. We utilize the latest in